Setting up a private fork of xv6

If you try to directly fork xv6, it will create a public fork. This, however, violates our policy of not making your solutions public. We actively look for public forks of xv6 and will flag your submission for cheating. Please do not do this.

Here is the recommended way to set up a private fork:

  • Clone xv6. We will refer to this as your local checkout of xv6.
  • Create a new private repository on GitHub. In the setup screen you should see an option to make it private.
  • In your local checkout of xv6, add a new remote
      git remote add my <url to your private repo>

You should now be all set!

To push to your private repo for the first time run:

git push -u -f my <branch-name>

For subsequent pushes, run:

git push my <branch-name>

Note the absence of the -u -f options.